Apps & Widgets

Wooh! NoteCraft is approved, in SamsungApps very very soon!

Finally! After almost 3 weeks of battling with the certification team and the ridiculous twists of bada, I received the approval mail from Samsung. Therefore, I can gladly proclaim that NoteCraft 2 will be ready for download within the next few days!


Customer support in SamsungApps comments made impossible

I’m getting a few questions, requests and criticism over the SamsungApps comment system on my available applications. But it’s very hard and takes up huge amounts of time to process these.

Apps & Widgets

NoteCraft Certification goes into 3rd round

Yesterday, I submitted NoteCraft 2 once more to the SamsungApps certification. Apart from one bug fix, I made several minor changes to it.

Apps & Widgets

NoteCraft 2 still in certification, missing task import

After the rejection from the Samsung certification, the second try from 7. April is still in certification process. Counting 3 weekdays, I don’t expect the next results before next week – although a positive surprise is a welcomed change.

Apps & Widgets

NoteCraft 2 Trial ready for download in SamsungApps

Received the confirmation yesterday that NoteCraft Trial successfully passed certification, and is already available in the store today! Unfortunately, the majority of the certification process was not smooth at all. The full NoteCraft 2 application failed. The reasons of rejection and the certification process overall are very disappointing. I will write further information on this later […]

Apps & Widgets

MeteorClock, 10.000 Downloads

Just wow! Today, the download counter of MeteorClock reached the whopping 10.000th download! I never expected that MeteorClock would become so popular. Ten Thousand! This would not be possible without you and your amazing feedback. A thanks to those from badadev and folks who helped in translating MeteorClock into so many languages now. Thanks everyone […]