Apps & Widgets

NoteCraft 2 still in certification, missing task import

After the rejection from the Samsung certification, the second try from 7. April is still in certification process. Counting 3 weekdays, I don’t expect the next results before next week – although a positive surprise is a welcomed change.

Apps & Widgets

NoteCraft 1.11 German Language Fix

NoteCraft 1.11 passed the certification and is now available for download in the Appstore! Only took 8 workdays for Samsung to approve the update, which is a really good time actually.

Apps & Widgets

MeteorClock 2.2

Finally, the new MeteorClock update in iteration 2.2. Mostly done bug fixing and slight optimizations as well as added many more languages!

Apps & Widgets

NoteCraft Bug: M[]rz instead of März

Today, I’ve been notified by a display bug for the German screen language of NoteCraft 1.1. Special characters like ‘ä’ are not encoded and displayed correctly. They become awkward rectangles as in the current month March (März in German). However, the bug does not affect your written note content. I just sent a quick fix […]

Apps & Widgets

NoteCraft Bug: Reappearance of deleted Notes

A user reported me an issue with note deletion in NoteCraft. I want to inform you that I identified and fixed the issue, and submitted NoteCraft version 1.1 to the Appstore, which will hopefully be approved as soon as possible.