
new website design and all new layout!

I finally got my new blog theme to an adequate state which is worth to go live. The new theme provides much more room and presents the content in a much more subtle way compared to the old clumsy one!


Interview with

One reason its a bit calm around here is that I have to study hard but also am working on great additions to MeteorClock and NoteCraft. Another reason is that I got ambushed by Dmitriy from with a handful of amazingly interesting questions about me and bada. I was prone to write thorough answers, […]

Apps & Widgets

MeteorClock 2.1

I know you’ve been waiting long for this. Now it’s finally here, the next MeteorClock milestone.

Apps & Widgets

NoteCraft 1.1 and Trial Version in Appstore today

Two good news at once! The NoteCraft update 1.1 and the NoteCraft Trial version finally made it to the Stores today. NoteCraft 1.1 fixes the bug with occasional returning deleted notes and also adds German language support for the interface. And if you are still undecided whether NoteCraft is right for you, you can now […]


Samsung tweets bada 1.2 Release for January [Update] already next week?

Just an hour ago SamsungBada dropped info about the release date of bada 1.2 – at least fore Europeans. Bada 1.2 is to be expected soon, ‘this month’ to be precise.

Apps & Widgets

NoteCraft Bug: Reappearance of deleted Notes

A user reported me an issue with note deletion in NoteCraft. I want to inform you that I identified and fixed the issue, and submitted NoteCraft version 1.1 to the Appstore, which will hopefully be approved as soon as possible.