Apps & Widgets

MeteorClock 2.1

I know you’ve been waiting long for this. Now it’s finally here, the next MeteorClock milestone.

Going Multilingual

The greatest change in 2.1 is the added language support. Currently the following languages are supported: German, Polish, Chinese, French.

If available, the widget automatically adapts to the language defined the Wave’s system settings. As I’m optimizing the translation system, many more languages will be added.

At this point I also want to thank the many supporters and volunteers from the badadev community:

  • Bill Chan for Chinese version
  • siano for Polish version
  • Denis Decocq for French version

In advance I’ll have to add that you still might see some weather conditions in English. That’s because the Yahoo Weather service doesn’t offer localized condition phrases. I need to write them down one after another as they appear in the widget. Then have to add them to the language vocabulary myself. It’d be helpful if you could send me weather condition phrases like ‘Mostly Clear’ or ‘Light Drizzle’ to me, otherwise it could take a while until I got them all.


  • wind direction is shown in words
  • fixed wrong 12h time conversion
  • language support
  • reduced backgrounds for resource saving and 2mb limit for future AppStore submittance


Nothing changed there. Nevertheless here’s the control map for new users:

Interactive touch zones are highlighted by coloured overlays

WQVGA, low resolution

Unfortunately I haven’t managed yet an applicable and easy way to make MeteorClock compatible to lower res’ed screens for devices like the Wave 523, 525 and 725. MeteorClock consists of many images and the original CSS is not very versatile. A total rewrite is necessary for this and will take its time. Additionally, the Widget Simulator from Samsung doesn’t support those handsets, nor do I own one. This slows down the development process quite a bit. Sorry that this is taking so long, I’ll have to ask for your patience, guys.

Download and Install

  1. Simply download the archive and unzip the .wgt widget file
  2. Copy MeteorClock.wgt to your Wave phone
  3. Execute the file from the Wave’s file explorer and agree to the installation

» New MeteorClock 2.2 version released

License: MeteorClock is given to you completely free of charge. Please don’t distribute this widget or parts of it any further. Weather icons are published under MIT and GPL license. Enjoy!

If you encounter any problems or potential bugs, just leave comment here!

Donate a Coffee or two

I welcome every help and support for my free projects. I’m thankful for every donation!

47 replies on “MeteorClock 2.1”

Gute Arbeit! Ich wusste, dass die Deutschen nicht nur gute Autos machen ;-).
Weiter so!

wow! you really fixed the bug that i reported! thank you very much for your hard work! ;-)

All I can say is this widget is amazing.
Don’t forget that it is installed on thousands of wave phones, so keep up the good work. We are looking forward to seeing other beautiful widgets of your creation :)

Thanks for your contribution to our small community

Hello Jörn! Thanks for your great widget, I’m using it on my Samsung Wave with pleasure! But there is one problem in it. There is no my native language – russian. I know russian very well, and my english is not poor too. So I’m very eager to help you to translate text information and add russian language support in your widget. Is it possible?

Thanks for your offer Mr. Frost. But I already got someone working on it, so hopefully I can release a Russian supporting version soon.

Is possible it to correct errors in polish on widgecie? For example, it is obliged to be big cloudiness correctly big cloudiness. You are affectation case (together; time) case (together; time) in polish in english widget

Although I don’t fully understand your comment, I’m aware of the error that ‘Add Town’ is not being translated.
If you refer to the weather condition phrases, in short: I’m continuously working on completing the vocabulary. I described in detail in the article.

Если бы выбирался уровень прозрачности-вообще класно было, ну и желательно перевод на русский!
Дождемся в новых версиях?

Thanks for the plenty of feedback!
As I currently have to study for my ongoing exams, I don’t have much time to work on MeteorClock, unfortunately. I see there is a high demand for a Russian translation, and I will add support for it in the next version!

What language is your phone set to? The widget automatically changes the language if the system language is set to English, Polish, German, Chinese, French. Other languages are not yet supported, but I’m planning to add them as soon as possible.

I also got informed that there seem to be some issues with automatic Chinese display, which I am currently investigating.

Thanks for reporting the issue! Haven’t heard about this issue before. Gotta ask you a few questions to find the possible source of the problem:

(If you unlock your phone, there might be a delay in widget time update)

Did you check if the clock updated to the correct system time after a few minutes?
If not, does the clock at least work with the wrong time, or is it stuck?
Have you manually changed the phone’s system time?
What time format are you using, 12h or 24h? Have you recently changed it?
Did you do anything else or changed settings previously?

Lots of questions, but lets hope we can find the source soon!

ok. let’s start.

when the widget shows the wrong time it does notupdate after a few minutes. i have to delet turn it off (delet it from the widget screen) and then load it again.
the clock stucks completely.
i have automatically time and the format is 24h and i don’t changed it.
i don’t changed anything.
i hope it’s not to stange and you can find a solution.

by the way. thanks for the NoteCraft widget. love it!

that is really weird indeed. Those 360.000 seem to be the auto-update interval in seconds, but I got no idea how they could be displayed like that.
Ever tried to reinstall the widget?

Hello Jörn,

Great widget buddy. I appreciate the quality of the widget. Its the best available in the market. I just have one issue with my location (Mumbai India), the image always displayed is that of SMOKE. In other widgets where AccWeather is used as source the image displayed is correct and keeps on changing accordingly.

Thank You

Hi Aditya,
glad you like the widget! Regarding smokey weather in Mumbai, I’m afraid I can’t do anything about that as Yahoo determines the weather conditions. Right now Yahoo says there is ‘Smoke’ in Mumbai ( ). It probably refers to industry fumes, smog, dust and the like and disregards the overall condition of ‘sunniness’ or ‘cloudiness’. Unfortunately, I can’t influence the given forecasts, sorry.

Hey Jörn,
ich hab mein Wave 8500 nun seit 4 Wochen und hab schon fast einen zweiten Hals bekommen mit BADA und KIES… da kommen mir so ‘schlimme Gedanken’ wie ‘vielleicht wär ja doch ein IPhone die bessere Wahl gewesen’… na ja, auf jeden Fall die teurere!!! Deshalb wollt ich Dir nun mitteilen, das mir solch ambitionierte Entwickler wie Du wieder neuen Mut machen, das mit BADA doch noch nicht aller Tage Abend ist. Das Wave an sich ist klasse und wenn noch mehr von Deiner Sorte auf den Plan treten und wirklich gute statt überflüssiger Schrott-Apps schreiben ist alles super! Also vielen Dank an Dich. Gruß, Allan.

Danke an bada-blog für den Link zu diesem tollen Widget und natürlich an den Entwickler selbst. ;-)

can you make this for Samsung 723 ?
unfortunately it is too big in the resolution


Kannst du mir sagen, wo genau Probleme auftauchen? Bei welchen Aktionen bleibt es hängen? Ohne Informationen kann ich leider nur im dunkeln stochern.

Zuerst einmal, noch mal Danke. Echt super Arbeit. Soo… Hab es jetzt auf 2 S8500 installiert. Vorher hatte ich die Version 2.0 drauf. Sobald man 2 Aktionen innerhalb kurzer Zeit ausführte (z.B. Menü, Aktualisieren, Wetter info…) blieb das einfach hängen. Habe dann 2.1 und 2.0 gelöscht und neu runter geladen. Läuft bis jetzt ganz gut. Bei einem S8500 bleibt es trotzdem ab und zu nach einer Aktion hängen. (kein Menü und keine Zeit Aktualisierung. Solange es nur ab und zu ist bin ich voll und ganz zufrieden.!!+ Eins der besten widgets fürs Wave. (auch wenn die Idee nicht dein Einfall war ;-) ). P.s Hannover in Niedersachsen, Deutschland schreibt man mit 2 N. Kann man das später mal ändern?

Hab noch was gefunden. Wenn man das Menü mit der auflegtaste beendet hängt es sich auf =)

Hängt sich auch noch dem Standby ab und zu bei beiden Handys auf. Schade. Keine Ahnung obs nur bei meinen Handys so ist.

Danke für dein Feedback! An der Schreibweise der Städtenamen kann ich leider nichts ändern. Diese werden von Yahoo in Englisch, wo eben auch Hanover gültig ist.

Das Problem mit der Auflegetaste im Optionsmenü ist mir bekannt. Es hängt sich nicht wirklich auf, sondern bada macht das Menü einfach durchsichtig – aber ebenfalls schlecht natürlich. Ich muss schauen, ob es einen Event Handler gibt für die Hardware Tasten um das Menü selbstständig zu schließen.

Abgesehen davon konnte ich leider noch keine Aufhänger bei mir beobachten, werde MeteorClock aber diesbezüglich mal untersuchen.

An sich eine super App, hatte sie bereits in einer früheren Version. Allerdings musste ich mein Wave reseten und nun kann ich die App nicht mehr installieren. Es kommt nur die Fehlermeldung “Installation fehlgeschlagen”.
Woran kann das auf einmal liegen und wichtiger wie kann ich die App trotzdem installieren? Danke für Hilfe!

Hello Paul, unfortunately, MeteorClock doesn’t yet support the lower screen resolution of S525 and its similar siblings. I’m still looking into viable possibilities in getting this done. Seems the only solution is an extra version which I might make some time. I cannot name a date on this though as I have much work already with improving the existing MeteorClock and my NoteCraft project.

ich bin leider etwas aufgeschmissen…ich finde die app so ja ganz toll nur leider habe ich nicht verstanden wie ich das uhrzeitenformat und die stadt in der ich wohne etc einstelle..könnte mir das mal schnell jemand erklären? ich hab das wave S8530