Electronics Games

Presenting VR bike simulator ExcitingErgoRides on Gamescom 2015

This week is Gamescom week! The games convention in Cologne is going to be open for five days from coming Wednesday, 5th August, till Sunday, 9th August, and I’m excited to be there with my university’s project group ExcitingErgoRides! We’ll present the result of our one-year project work, where we’ve been working on a physical virtual reality […]

Electronics Showcase

Wireless dynamic colour fading on Arduino over Raspberry Pi

Finally reached a big milestone by dynamically fading a wireless RGB light node on an Arduino between two arbitrary colours! The Arduino is connected to a Raspberry Pi over a nRF24L01+ transceiver connection. Over a web app the RPi is sent the new colour to fade to and calculates the required fading data like the […]