
Building an exceptional bada Community

As bada is yet in its infancy and the bada developer base still small but steadily growing, there is a call to unify the intellectual potential of every smart person out there problem-solving the riddles of bada API’s. Thanks to t0mm13b, who is the mastermind behind all this, a bada platform has been proposed in the secret prototype Service Area51 of, which provides the platform of forming a community.

out of the ordinary

But this is no ordinary community, not just like any 0815 forum. If you’ve seen one of the most resourceful developer  platforms,, you might know what I’m talking about. It’s based on a simple Q&A section, but connects with the large network of StackExchange through OpenId, which integrates and unifies user profiles across the web. And what makes this community so powerful is the fact that anyone can be an active part of it. Depending on your rate of commitment you gain reputation and earn rights to moderate and steer the community along with others, over the entire network.

One Community to rule them all..

.. or rather: all to rule one community? The aim is to unify all resources at one central location to provide profound and quick support, stopping the needless scatter of information across multiple websites. And that’s where you are needed. To make this vision come reality, the bada community must prove worthy and has to master several progress stages. Right now, we are still at the beginning, the Definition phase, wherein we need to unify at least 55 followers of the board proposal to prove the needed interest to reach the next phase. You can find more information in the StackExchange FAQ.

Be part of forming the bada community and  build a steady home for it!

» Go for it!

3 replies on “Building an exceptional bada Community”

I was also a bit confused at first, but after investing some time it gets easier to orientate. It’s quite hard to explain it all at once, so don’t hesitate to ask if things are unclear!

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