After a long and nail-biting time in the approval process, my first widget is now available in the Samsung Appstore: NoteCraft !
Category: Apps & Widgets
MeteorClock 2.0 !
Finally! After the revision of the first version of MeteorClock turned out to be unexpectedly work-intensive and time-consuming, I can now rejoycefully proclaim the release of MeteorClock -“The Next Level”- 2.0!
State of Play: MeteorClock
I’m glad that the MeteorClock widget is so popular and am really happy about all the given feedback and suggestions for the next version. (Keep it coming!) This week I didn’t have any time or possibility to work much on it, though, as I enrolled at university and it’s quite a mess right now. Worst […]
MeteorClock Widget
I am glad to finally release the first version of MeteorClock, a clock widget in flip style for Samsung’s Wave S8500 smartphone. My aim was to create a visually pleasing, lightweight clock with integrated weather feed information – and this is the first version to be finally released.