Apps & Widgets

NoteCraft scores second Rejection

The email just got in today. NoteCraft 2 is now rejected by the SamsungApps certification again. The task import issue from first round was “fixed”, and the box display bug, yet still unresolved and present on the test device, is treated as a minor issue.  But then again, 2 new issues popped up. Now, the scroll panel seems to have problems, and when using the on-screen keyboard, the text area is moved into an unfavourable position.

To be honest, I’m getting pretty fed up with this. Some bada phones work this way or just totally different, that way. I can’t do more than I can get from my own testing device (the simulator is worthless). I will draw consequences and will eventually work with platforms where developers aren’t made clowns of. I’m getting tired of jumping through the countless hoops Samsung is laying out for us.

Nevertheless, I’m trying my best to get NoteCraft certified. This has been my biggest project to date and I won’t have this ruined.

4 replies on “NoteCraft scores second Rejection”

oh man. ich kann dich da verstehen das das nervt und so verärgert smasung echt die paar developer die es gibt. scheinbar wollen sie keine guten apps im store (ich finde man sollte das ding in samsungTHEMES umbenennen)
trotzdem hoffe ich das du dich da durchbeißt und das es irgendwann raus kommt. mach weiter so!

Joern I have read some user has already asked if the font can be bigger. I agree with you that is visible but since the super amoled screen does so well with black background it would be better if the white font of the notes/entries were a bit bigger. So it would draw attention without having to focus the vision so much. Is that possible for version 2? Stillwaiting for sammy to approve it. Stay classy thanks for your work.

Thanks for your thoughts on this, too! I have put it onto my to-do list and will check in what way I can serve this request. I can probably increase the font size of the title and description a bit (now that there is even more space in the new version as well).

I submitted NoteCraft 2 without any changes concerning this, though. So it has to wait until the next submission.

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